
Friday, June 3, 2011

How To Get Your Logo Designed on a Budget

Do you like Blue Strawberry's new logo? If not, skip right to the comments section and let me know why - I love getting feedback! If yes, then let me tell you a little story of how it was born. But first...


...and After:

A little while back I got an advice from Karim Boubker to re-design my blog's logo. And let me tell you that even though I run a semi-design blog, I have never in my life dealt with designers, and had a very vague idea of how logos actually get designed. So, I started browsing the internet. First, I found the designers firms. My oh my - those charge about a fortune, if not more. I am sure it is well worth it, but I simply have never even smelled that kind of money - so I moved on.

To websites that offer diversity. 99 designs seems to be the most popular one these days - and prices are much kinder to the budget that those of design companies. You get ... probably about 99 versions from various designers who are keen on getting your logo done. But I chose not to go with this option either. Why, you ask? Firstly - it was still a bit too expensive. The minimum bid is $245, and I am a soon-to-be MBA student on a budget. Second reason was that designs submitted, even though plenty, seemed to be quite similar to each other. I was not sure whether the designers copy the original logo, or simply use standard techniques/images, but I wanted something cheaper and more unique...

Which is why I went to Elance. Elance does not get much good feedback these days, but I thought I would give them a try anyway. The biggest advantage of Elance for me was the price - you can get a logo for as low as $50, and you can actually get a very decent design under $100! However, you need to know a few 'tricks' to have a pleasant experience. If you ask me, the most important ones are:

- To look at BOTH designer's portfolio AND feedback. In most cases, the portfolio is a very good indicator of the type of work you are going to receive, but if the feedback clearly states 'the logos provided for me were nothing like the ones in the portfolio' - you should be alarmed.
- To invite providers. I have received quite a decent number of proposals, even thought my ad was nothing impressive - I pretty much did not specify anything, and I have never hired anyone through Elance before. But I still wanted more. So I went and searched for providers myself, looked through their portfolios, selected the ones I liked and asked them for a quote. Actually, I ended up hiring a designer I have invited myself. I believe Iva did a wonderful job and I would 100% recommend her to anyone!
- To hire someone who speaks English (or any other language YOU speak fluently). You will notice that some proposals have poor English and trust me, unless you speak the native language of those designers, you will not have fun explaining where would you like to place a highlight.
- To ONLY pay once you have the job complete! I have not experienced the bitterness of Elance refunds myself, but I have read one too many articles that scared the hell out of me. So be careful!

Finally - working with the designer on my logo was one of the coolest blog experienced I have had so far. I don't even care if my blog looks better with it. I just love it.

Have more questions? Leave me a comment - I'd be glad to answer! 


Natella Mammadbeyli said...

I like ur new logo :) I have to think about mine too.

Zena Tai said...

Like it:)

Suad said...

Thank you! I'm very glad that you do :))

Unknown said...

I like your new logo and we're a big fan of your blog at and

Suad said...

Ivan, so glad to hear that! Big fan of your websites! :)

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