
Monday, June 20, 2011

Lets Talk Patience

What would you say is the art that requires the most petience? Is it drawing, painting, or, perhaps, scultpure? If so, miniatures and cross-stitching would probably top both of those. And today, I have spotted a real, hard-core patience challenger. Her name is Keira Rathbones and she is a type writer artist.

Keira first purchased a typewriter, hoping to use it in the traditional sense - to write, that is. But as she realized that letters are just a bore when put together in words - she decided to switch it up and use the machine as a drawing tool instead. Today, her works are often valued at $6 000+ - a pretty awesome proof of her making the right choice.

Make sure to watch the video about this wonderful woman. 100% true to the style of the typewriter era, she keeps trying on new projects - the most recent ones include a vintage russian (hello кириллица!) and a vintage indian typewriter. According to her, those are a basically "new palettes" which would open her up to a whole new world of art.

via LikeCool

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