
Monday, May 30, 2011

Photoshop on Your Fridge

Not every picture needs to be re-touched.... Or so we thought before Photoshop. The moment I see a celebrity picture I start wondering which tool they used to 'erase' those wrinkles, blend that cellulite, and oh, come on, no one is that skinny...

Sounds familiar? Then you will love these Photoshop fridge magnets too:

The set includes 11 Photoshop tools and palettes. The shape is one of my favorites too - skinny and flat, ideal for holding pictures. Will make your guy (or non-cooking girlfriend) a bit more comfortable in the kitchen... Not to mention anything is better than tourist magnets with city names on them. If you have any of those on your fridge, through them out before I do!

Available at ThinkGeek ($24.99) and Photojojo ($25)

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