
Sunday, July 17, 2011

Strawberry Alarm with Arina Orlova

Strawberry Alarm is my attempt to make the Monday mornings a little bit easier on all of us, by asking creative people to share the things that keep them from snoozing that alarm button.


This week, Strawberry Alarm is featuring Arina Orlova, an illustrator and a visual artist, born and raised in Moscow, Russia where she studied graphic arts and worked in fields of graphic design and illustration. Currently, Arina lives and works in London.

Here are the things that get Arina out of bed on a Monday mornings:

One. The alarm! Actually I like waking up before the alarm goes off and having a few minutes to enjoy lazying in bed thinking about something nice and preparing myself for the day. When I wake up much earlier than I was supposed to I feel like I added an extra hour to the day and would definitely spend it drawing. This is usually the start of a good and productive day!

Two. I like thinking ahead about everything exciting I could do this week. Monday morning is a fresh start, a blank canvas and everything seems possible! In the morning the mind is at its clearest and things that seemed difficult in the evening appear easier to resolve. As they say, an hour in the morning is worth two in the evening.

Three. I am excited to find out what happened in the world while I was dreaming. The Internet never sleeps so my mornings usually start with checking the news, creative blogs, emails, and my friends' posts, all before I've even had my breakfast!

Four. The sounds of the city waking up. London is never too quiet — streets being cleaned, neighbours talking outside, cars driving by, wind blowing through the trees, birds chattering. Somehow I like this urban mix and find it very inspiring.

Five. A sense of duty. Boring, I know! But there are always things that need to be done, deadlines to be met. Colleges expecting me to come and do the work, clients wanting to get their designs and illustrations on time. I do not like to make people wait and that's probably the only way to get me out of bed on a dull rainy day.

Make sure to check out Arina'a work on her website!

Also, don't forget to stop by next Sunday, for five more reasons to get that week started!

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