Well, I might have just as well been waiting for Britney to lose weight, because after years of wait I saw this. What have they done to my beloved beetle?

First detail that caught my attention, was that roof is not as round as it used to be. It looked like a ladybug before, and now.. more of this thing:

Yes. I have been waiting for this model for years, and they chose a different beetle to copy! Not. fair.
After I saw the exterior, my only hope was that the interior would be a major improvement. Instead, I saw something that came right of the "Tron" movie:

You might have already guessed that I am not a fan of the "Tron" movie. Not a fan at all.
However, a few press articles later, I have realized exactly why the 21st Generation Beetle does not appeal to me: “The company hopes to regain the luster of the iconic Beetle brand that remains one of the best known auto brands by appealing to more men—as the original version did” by “aiming to shed the ‘chick car’ label.”
Dear VW, as selfish as it may seem, I hope the masculine design trick fails, and the next beetle is chic again. Because women have a right for cute cars, and not all of us can afford a Mini Cooper, you know.
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